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RMI보험경영연구소, 공•사 단체의 리스크관리 연구 및 교육 컨설팅

Major Business Areas
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Research on Risk Management(RM)
• Conducting research related to RM of private and public organizations
• Providing solution for RM-based management of the organization

Consulting for Sustainable Management
• Practicing consulting for sustainable management of private and public organizations
• Consulting areas include CSR management, Ethical Management, ESG management, etc.

RMI Education and Consulting
• Providing education and consulting related to RMI for small business owners
• Developing education program and practicing management consulting

Enlightening RM for the Local Community
• Raising public awareness and enlightening of RM for local communities
• Executing RM activities for the public interest

• Publishing reports and books related to research, consulting, education, and enlightenment activities on RM
• Incidental publication

Introducing RMI Institute
Vision & Mission
Major Business Areas
RMI보험경영연구소, 공•사 단체의 리스크관리 연구 및 교육 컨설팅

회원가입약관 | 개인정보취급방침| 청소년보호정책| 이메일주소 무단수집거부| 전체 최근게시글
페이스북으로 보내기 트위터로 보내기 구글플러스로 보내기 카카오톡으로 보내기 밴드로 보내기
RMI보험경영연구소 | 대표 : 이순재 | 주소 : (06974) 서울시 동작구 흑석로 84 중앙대학교 310관 Creative Complex 206호
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