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RMI보험경영연구소, 공•사 단체의 리스크관리 연구 및 교육 컨설팅

Introducing RMI Institute
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The RMI Institute was established for
the risk management (RM) of private and public organizations,
building correct concept on RM and providing research and education consulting, 
and eventually for making our society a safe community.

To achieve this mission,
our expert group in the field of RM and Insurance Management, 
based on their accumulated expertise and competency, 
will provide efficient ex-ante and ex-post RM solutions 
for the applicable organizations.

The RMI Institute, 
an entity to pursue the mission of the social enterprise, 
will provide small business owners and the local community 
with RMI education and consulting, 
and keep striving for the individuals’ and businesses’ 
daily life to be managed at ease.
Introducing RMI Institute
Vision & Mission
Major Business Areas
RMI보험경영연구소, 공•사 단체의 리스크관리 연구 및 교육 컨설팅

회원가입약관 | 개인정보취급방침| 청소년보호정책| 이메일주소 무단수집거부| 전체 최근게시글
페이스북으로 보내기 트위터로 보내기 구글플러스로 보내기 카카오톡으로 보내기 밴드로 보내기
RMI보험경영연구소 | 대표 : 이순재 | 주소 : (06974) 서울시 동작구 흑석로 84 중앙대학교 310관 Creative Complex 206호
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